
Fournir une création
de niveaux mondiale pour une
marque a renommée mondiale

CORNER Adidas CITADIUM Caumartin

Changing the face of property management through digital innovation, personalized, high touch services, and overwhelming client satisfaction was not a problem for adidas. But capturing the essence of their brand and telling their story has been a challenge—until now.


Dive deep. It’s what adidas does for their customers and it’s what we did for them. The core of what makes adidas special, their clear differentiator, is their people. So, we spent time with them. A lot of time – to understand what makes them tick, what makes them great, and what they’re striving to do for their customers. These insights fueled an authentic and well informed approach to the brand personality and the drove the essence of all of tour marketing initiatives.

“On a travailler pour une marque étonnante permettant à notre entreprise de se distinguer et de prospérer sur un marché concurrentiel.”


Avez-vous un projet ou une idée, un croquis sur une serviette ?
Construisons quelque chose de efficace, de mémorisable,
d’agréable à regarder et d’amusant à lire.