
melmotion ranks among top graphic designers

Everyone loves to win. At melmotion, though, it’s not just about winning the pitch, the project, or the client.

It’s not about winning an award, either. Winning is about more than that – it’s about winning you over – giving you the best possible experience with the best imaginable results. That’s what we work towards every day, and while we’re proud of that being our ambition, we’re even more proud that it’s our reality. Recent recognition for melmotion on Clutch proves our point. As a ratings firm focused on assessing the strength of client-agency relationships, Clutch is uniquely poised to prove our point: the best agencies build relationships, not just campaigns. This week, our Art Director helped us earn a place on the list of the top 15 graphic designers globally.

Clutch placed us on this list after interviewing several melmotion clients to hear about the strength of our relationships directly from the people that matter the most. Here were some of the highlights from those reviews:

“melmotion is great and executed the project seamlessly. A majority of the project required everyone involved to just go with the flow, and Zave was very flexible.”

“They’re a very high-touch organization, acting like partners rather than service providers. The team listens carefully to what I say, and they offer valuable feedback.”

“melmotion understood each set of requirements and always offered recommendations to improve the final product. We’ll gladly continue working with them whenever we need an outside vendor.”

Not only have these clients reviews gained us attention on Clutch, but we’ve also gained some ground on the firm’s sister site, The Manifest, where we’re also listed among top graphic design agencies. As we continue to win over our clients with our hard work, flexibility, and feedback, we’re okay with winning a few awards from Clutch and The Manifest, too.


About melmotion
melmotion is a design and branding agency in France that creates visual brand experiences that engage people, excite the senses and inspire our inner awesome. We are the arsenal of innovation. melmotion is a design consultancy dedicated to creating innovative brand and interactive experiences with an unyielding passion to create the extraordinary.


For More Information
Mel Rodriguez  /  Art Director  /  +33 (0) 6 67 47 65 15  /


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